Integration approaches and methods

Integration between enterprise systems and applications can take many forms, with various degrees of complexity. When approaching a potential integration during the design process, it is important to consider what types of integration may be possible. For example, an external system may include a REST API, may submit data to a database, and provide a Python-based SDK for querying its API. These details provide different approaches to integration which may be better suited to different workflows or requirements for your own system. This section describes integration guidance in two main approaches:

Integration approaches

There are several typical approaches to integration that can guide further design decisions, as described in the following sections.

Bring external data or tools into ArcGIS

This approach involves querying data from another system, database, or API to display it alongside ArcGIS-hosted data, usually in a map or tabular interface. Data may also be combined with spatial data from ArcGIS to support new visualizations or reporting that can only occur when the data is combined. This approach might leverage OGC-based services like WFS or WMS, or other standardized geospatial data formats that can be used to integrate but may be successful using simple data formats like a web-enabled CSV endpoint, which can be added to a web map in ArcGIS.

Examples of integrations using this approach include:

Make ArcGIS-managed data or tools available to other systems

In this approach, other systems that include server software, applications, or data storage, can query, and interact with ArcGIS through the ArcGIS REST APIs and features of both ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. This might include querying data from feature layers, displaying imagery from image services, or submitting jobs to geoprocessing tools to run an analytic or process. Many examples of the location services system are built for this purpose, where services primarily support other applications, including non-ArcGIS systems.

Examples of integrations using this approach include:

Integrate based on a workflow or series of steps

To integrate based on a workflow or series or steps generally involves reliance on actions being taken in one system, then moving the user, data, or workflow to another system to complete the workflow. This approach can be the “lightest” integration approach in that usually neither system is customized to support the integration, but rather some orchestration or automation between the systems keeps things in sync or moves workflow steps between systems.

Examples of integrations using this approach include:

Integrate security systems or identity

ArcGIS integrates with a variety of 3rd party identity systems, providers or patterns, including SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP and Active Directory. These patterns are described in more detail in the Authentication models and providers topic in the Security pillar. In addition, ArcGIS Enterprise deployments in Azure or AWS can natively integrate with security models including AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and Azure Managed Identities.

Integration interfaces or methods

The technical methods or interfaces used for migrations are usually situation-dependent and may depend on which apps or tools are already deployed. During a design process, these are the technical components that should be considered and compared with each other to identify what the best method or interface is for integrating and achieving the desired experience.

Application integration

Application or presentation-tier integration focuses on bringing data or services into a specific user interface or experience. This is often the shallowest level of integration, but can also be the most efficient, effective, or inexpensive, as it focuses on making data or services available specifically in one application or set of interfaces. This may require customization, or build on a custom interface, but can also be supported in off-the-shelf applications or configurations of ArcGIS and other systems. Examples of presentation-tier integration include:

Service-level integration

Integrating at the service level generally integrates data through web services, which then makes the data available to a variety of both ArcGIS-based and external applications. While there are many potential examples of this method, the most relevant examples include query layers, custom data feeds and server object extensions or interceptors.