Advance pricing agreement as per income tax act

Definition of APA:

Types of APA:

The taxpayer/applicant at the time of making an APA application, has choice to opt for any of the above mentioned types of APA’s.

Unilateral APA:

Bilateral APA:

Multi-lateral APA:

Note:Request for bilateral and multilateral APA can be accepted by the Indian Competent authority where:

Section 92CC:

Crux of Subsection (1):

Crux of Subsection (2):

For the Calculation of ALP refer methods given in the section 92C(1)

Crux of Subsection (3):

APA will prevail over section 92C or section 92CA

Crux of Subsection (4):

APA valid for maximum five years and APA can be entered for less than five years.

(a) on the person in whose case, and in respect of the transaction in relation to which, the agreement has been entered into; and

Crux of subsection (5):

APA shall binding on person as well as on PCIT or CIT and subordinate Income Tax Authorities having jurisdiction over such person and such transaction.

Crux of Sub-section (6):

There is no binding effect of APA if there is change in law or facts.

Crux of Sub-section (7):

IF APA has been obtained by fraud or misrepresentation of facts then APA is void ab initio from the beginning.

(a) All the provisions of the Act shall apply to the person as if such agreement had never been entered into; and

(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Act, for the purpose of computing any period of limitation under this Act, the period beginning with the date of such agreement and ending on the date of order under sub-section (7) shall be excluded:

Provided that where immediately after the exclusion of the aforesaid period, the period of limitation, referred to in any provision of this Act, is less than sixty days, such remaining period shall be extended to sixty days and the aforesaid period of limitation shall be deemed to be extended accordingly.

Crux of Sub-section (8):

If the period of limitation referred to in any provisions of this Act is less than sixty days after excluding the above mentioned period the such period of limitation shall be extended to 60 days.

Crux of Sub-section (9):

Scheme is prescribed through Notification No. 06/2012 dated 30.08.2012 and Notification No. 23/2015 dated 14.03.2015

(9A) The agreement referred to in sub-section (1), may, subject to such conditions, procedure and manner as may be prescribed, provide for determining the—

(a)arm’s length price or specify the manner in which the arm’s length price shall be determined in relation to the international transaction entered into by the person;

(b)income referred to in clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 9, or specifying the manner in which the said income is to be determined, as is reasonably attributable to the operations carried out in India by or on behalf of that person, being a non-resident,

During any period not exceeding four previous years preceding the first of the previous years referred to in sub-section (4), and the arm’s length price of such international transaction or the income of such person shall be determined in accordance with the said agreement.

Crux of Sub-section (9A)

For Conditions, procedures and manner refer Notification No. 23/2015 dated 14.03.2015.

Advance Pricing Agreement Scheme

Rule 10F:Meaning of expressions used in matters in respect of advance pricing agreement.

For the purposes of this rule and rules 10G to 10T,—

(ba) Applicant means a person who has made an application;

Rule 10G:Persons eligible to apply

(b) is contemplating(thinking) to undertake an international transaction,

shall be eligible to enter into an agreement under these rules.

Rule 10H: Pre- Filing Consultation

Rule 10-I: Application for APA

Crux of Sub-rule (3)(i)

Eg: If the APA application seeks to cover 5 years starting from AY 2016-17 to AY 2020-21, then the application must be filed before 01/04/2015.

Crux of Sub-rule (3)(i)

Eg: if the applicant is going to enter into a new transaction for the first time (i.e these transactions are not from dealings that are of a continuous nature) starting 01/12/2015 and the APA application should be made before 01/12/2015& the applicant has choice to include AY 2016-17 as the first assessment year in the APA Application.

Amount of international transaction entered into or proposed to be undertaken in respect of which agreement is proposed during the proposed period of agreement. Fee
Amount not exceeding Rs. 100 crores 10 lacs
Amount not exceeding Rs. 200 crores 15 lacs
Amount exceeding Rs. 200 crores 20 lacs

Crux of sub-rule (5):

Rule 10J: Withdrawal of application for agreement.

Rule 10K: Preliminary processing of Application.

If any relevant document is not attached thereto or

The application is not in accordance with understanding reached in anypre-filing consultation referred to in rule 10H,

The Director General of Income-tax (International Taxation) (for unilateral agreement) and competent authority in India (for bilateral or multilateral agreement) shall serve a deficiency letter on the applicant before the expiry of one month from the date of receipt of the application.

Rule 10L:Procedure

The competent authority in India (for bilateral or multilateral agreement) and

The applicant shall prepare a proposed mutually agreed draft agreement enumerating the result of the process referred to in sub-rule (1) including the effect of the arrangement referred to in sub-rule (5) of rule 44GA which has been accepted by the applicant in accordance with sub-rule (8) of the said rule.

Rule 10M: Terms of Agreement

(va) Rollback provision referred to in rule 10MA;

Rule 10MA: Roll back of Agreement

In order to reduce pending as well as the future litigation in respect of the transfer pricing matters.

Crux of Sub-rule (2):

Crux of Sub-rule (3):

Crux of Sub-rule(4)

Rule 10N: Amendment to application

Rule 10-O: Furnishing of Annual Compliance Report

Rule 10P: Compliance Audit of APA

The Transfer Pricing Officer having the jurisdiction over the assessee shall carry out the compliance audit of the agreement for each of the year covered in the agreement.

mentioning therein his findings as regards compliance by the assessee with terms of the agreement.

Rule 10Q: Revision of Agreement

Rule 10R: Cancellation of APA

Rule 10RA: Procedure for giving effect to rollback provisions of an agreement

Crux of Sub-rule(2)

Example: If the original return of Income filed by assessee showing Income of Rs 1000 and paid tax thereon of Rs 100 and due to the roll back provisions income was Rs 1500 and tax thereon Rs 150 then the return modified by showing Income of Rs 1500 and proof of payment of Rs 50 (i.e.150-100) shall furnished by the assessee as per section 92CD.

Crux of Sub-rule(3):

Example: On 29/12/2018 I Co. concluded an APA with rollback provisions for AY 2018-19. Determine the time limit for filling modified returns for AY 2018-19 (First APA Year) 2017-18 (Rollback Year) 2016-17 (Rollback Year) 2015-16 (Rollback year) and 2014-15 (Rollback Year).

Solution: The modified return shall furnished within 3 months from the end of the month in which APA was entered. Thus, modified return of AY 2018-19 and four roll back years shall be furnished till 31/03/2019.

for a rollback year, on the issue which is the subject matter of the rollback provision for that year, the said appeal to the extent of the subject covered under the agreement shall be withdrawn by the applicant before furnishing the modified return for the said year.

Crux of Sub-rule (5)

If appeal filed by AO or PCIT or CIT before ITAT or HC for a roll back year

shall be withdrawn within three months from date of filing of modified return.

Crux of Sub-rule (6)

The Applicant/AO/PCIT/CIT/ shall inform DRP/CIT(A)/ITAT/HC facts of APA containing roll back provisions along with copy of the same as soon as practicable.

Rule 10S: Renewing an Agreement

Request for renewal of an agreement may be made as a new application for agreement, using the same procedure as outlined in these rules except pre-filing consultation as referred to in rule 10H.

Rule 10T: Miscellaneous

Crux of Sub-rule(1):

Till the date on which APA entered the normal provisions of Transfer pricing applies.

Crux of Sub-rule (2):

For the bilateral & multilateral APA the negotiation between competent authority in India & competent authority in other country/countries should be as per the DTAA between India and other country/countries.

Rule 44GA: Procedure for Bilateral & Multilateral APA

However the applicant can communicate or meet the competent authority in India for the purpose of entering into an advance pricing agreement.

Crux of Sub-rule(9).

If No bilateral or multilateral APA entered then applicant can withdraw the application as per rule 10J or enter unilateral APA.

Section 92CD:

Crux of Sub-section(1)

When an assessee filed return of Income under section 139 for any AY prior to the date of agreement then such person shall file the modified return under section 92CD within three months from the end of the month in which agreement was entered.

Crux of Sub-section (2)

When modified return return filed under section 92CD then all the provisions of Act apply by assuming that modified return is furnished under section 139.

Crux of Sub-section (3)

When assessment order or reassessment order passed before the expiry of period allowed for filing modified return and afterwards assessee filed modified return within the time allowed under subsection (1) then AO should modified the already passed order accordingly.

(4)Where the assessment or reassessment proceedings for an assessment year relevant to the previous year to which the agreement applies are pending on the date of filing of modified return in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1), the Assessing Officer shall proceed to complete the assessment or reassessment proceedings in accordance with the agreement taking into consideration the modified return so furnished.

Crux of Sub-section (4)

When assessment order or reassessment order are pending on the date of filing of modified return then AO shall complete the assessment or reassessment proceeding after considering the modified return.

(5)Notwithstanding anything contained in section 153 or section 153B or section 144C,—

Crux of Sub-section (5):

(6)For the purposes of this section,—

(i) “Agreement” means an agreement referred to in sub-section (1) of section 92CC;

(ii) The assessment or reassessment proceedings for an assessment year shall be deemed to have been completed where—

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